Even after the first nerf, it was still nearly impossible to kill. It was so hard that guilds would require certain members to go leatherworking as a profession just to gain access to a Heroism/Bloodlust ability, since back in Burning Crusade it was only group-wide. Only 5 guilds managed to kill Muru in the pre-nerf state. Pieces would later go on to claim the world first of the entire raid tier, putting the guild firmly on the map as one of the game’s top guilds. The fight was eventually killed by European guild Pieces after 731 attempts, claiming their first world 1st in the process. On top of that, the fight was particularly long, and you needed basically everyone alive at the end to even kill the boss. The boss was just very tactically complex.

The fight caused guilds issues even in Heroic, my own guild getting stuck on it for some time. The most recent boss on this list, Uu’nat, was the first boss in the BFA mini-raid Crucible of Storms. For now, C’thun holds enough of a place in WoW folklore as “the hardest boss in Vanilla” so for that alone it deserves to be on this list.

I’ll will make special mention of Naxxramas in a future list. The average player is better now, and the bosses are better tested and patched faster. C’thun is the only Classic boss we’ll include here, because unfortunately, Classic has shown that WoW back in the day just wasn’t as hard as we remember.
However, as some players have pointed out, private WoW servers are simply not a reliable source due to them not always getting the code spot on.Īs we moved into Classic, C’thun in the post-nerf state hasn’t caused many guilds a lot of problems since his release in August. As Classic rolled around, people used private server information to dispute the claim. Back in 2006, it was discussed among hardcore players that the fight was actually mathematically impossible, even with everyone alive. C’thun was literally unkillable in his original form and with the gear available to players pre- Naxxramas raid tier.